Few days back while i was in field met some village artisans who are into manufacturing of bamboo furniture at Jhadol, Udaipur.
Though they are supplying their products currently but not in an organised manner and also reach is very limited so they are ending up with limited sales so far as told by them.
They do know how to make all kind of furniture’s like sofa set, dinning set, chair, table, double bed etc but currently they are making few of them only because not getting enough demand out there.
When I asked them to share pictures or catalogue, they didn’t have that but they do tell me price of each product specifically.
So for the time being just raised a PO for them from Rural Kites consisting 1 quantity of each product.
Just to see what exactly their products look like; and what sort of assistance we can provide to them may be in terms of quality improvement, standardization or market linkages.
Meanwhile will be in touch with them.